Thank you to all who stopped by to fill a few bags with gently used donated winter items..be on the look out for another round on Monday from 10-1pm weather permitting!
Gracias a todos que llegaron a recojer ropa de invierno y otros articulos.. porfavor esten alertos a esta pagina por si hacemos lo mismo el Lunes si la temporada lo permite!
Today during our Mothers Group we had an insightful discussion on sex education through Planned Parenthood, Let’s Be Honest Program. We focused on tough questions kids ask and how to explain what sexuality is. All moms left with new knowledge and tools to approach these conversations with confidence! Join us next Wednesday for more valuable discussions—you won’t want to miss it! Sessions are in English and Spanish. ✨
Join us for our upcoming Mothers’ Group starting tomorrow Wednesday, October 2nd! Connect with other moms, share experiences, and receive support in a warm, welcoming environment. We can’t wait to see you!
¡Únete a nuestro próximo Grupo de Madres a partir del miércoles 2 de octubre! Conéctate con otras mamás, comparte experiencias y recibe apoyo en un ambiente cálido y acogedor. ¡No podemos esperar para verte!